2 min read

Laid off: The second time

COVID was mentally and emotionally exhausting. In the 21st century, COVID was the single event that resulted in mortality of over 10 million across the globe. And those who survived bear sudden trauma and mental health issues.

And in 2022, just as we started to recover from the pandemic, another world problem came face to face. The feds raised the interest rates, and companies, investors, and employees started panicking. By the end of 2022, I was laid off.

My firm was one of the first few places to start the mass layoff season that continues into 2024 with newfound fire and destruction.

In 2022, after being laid off by 6sense, I joined a new startup, born and raised in the heart of Bangalore. And this time, I was expecting a different result. Alas! No good.

Even after being one of the top performers in my team this year, I got a sudden mail at midnight that my employment had been terminated. Of all the horror layoff stories, SpotDraft probably takes the cake.

I was laid off via email, and the reason was that they had overhired. I mean, cmon! If you had overhired me, I wouldn't be a top performer; I wouldn't be working 10-12 hours for weeks for your launches, overhauls, and revamps.

I'd probably be chilling if you were overhired.

But where do we go from here?

We go again!

This isn't positive toxic talk.

I am probably the best template out there if thorough Optimism had a persona. Well, I think that's maybe because:

  • I trust my skills and ability
  • I have over 8 years of market experience
  • I know life has an uncanny way of finding a way out.

So, I'll probably go again, put myself out there, and find a role to get into the nitty-gritty of things. But there are some things that I'd like to lay to you folks.

Mental Health: Down the Drain

The first thing a 2nd layoff is better at!

You finally doubt yourself more than you've done in your first one. See, back-to-back layoffs are tough. You not only question your capabilities but also how insensitive people could be. All that matters to these corporations is the money they are making and quickly cutting their losses.

This tremendously affects your ability to trust anyone again, especially when you're at a point in your career where you should move to the next phase. But now all I think is I'll have to do the same work again for 2 more years before the next phase.

Cultural Anxiety

A new job requires you to introduce yourself again, develop a rapport with your reporting managers and teammates, and pray that you've landed in a place where basic cultural issues are absent.

In my case, I might also need to move now because remote roles are scarce as the world returns to offices.

All these factors have made my anxiety – Anxiety Pro Max. And I have to go through everything for the next few months to feel normal again. It sucks, honestly, it sucks a lot.

But yeah – Here we go again.